Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Where is God in the wildfires of Colorado?

What is with God, allowing the fires in Colorado to destroy some homes, and not others?

Fair question, right?

No, he didn’t cause the fires, but he could have stopped them. Why didn’t he? Did some people say better prayers than others, as the fires got closer to their homes? Did he choose east winds instead of west?

Why are some always spared and others not?

If you’re looking for answers to those questions, look elsewhere. I don’t have them. (Though I’m as certain as I can be that the answer to “better prayers” assertion is, no.)

I do know this much. This is not Eden; this is not the world for which we were created. Of course, it didn’t take the destruction in Colorado to convince us of that. Too much divorce, molestation, cancer, paralysis, car crashes, broken hearts, shattered dreams, fatherless children, etc., etc., etc. to ever confuse this place as Eden.

How can I trust in God amidst all this?

How can I not?

If I’m not believing that God’s heart toward me is good, that he’s got this, that he means it when he says he’ll take the really crappy things that happen all around us, and bring good from it, then I’d be without hope.

So I make the conscious decision to trust. At least right now.

It'll be tested. 

But it's not the efficacy of my faith that I'm counting on. It's the object of my faith.

Lord, do what you do best, in Colorado, in Atlanta, and in me. Amen.


  1. Beautifully said. I love that Galatians 2:20 is translated.. "I live by the faith OF the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." It's His faith in me that I live by... It's all so amazing!

    Beautiful piece of work, Bill!
